Willow Tree Susan Lordi Nativity Mary Jesus Joseph Animals Wise Men Zampognaro



Your choice of Hand Crafted by Susan Lordi Willow Tree Nativity Set figurines, some brand new, some previously enjoyed.  Detailed resin in a variety of styles.  Select an option to view details.
As enduring as the story it portrays, the Willow Tree Nativity is as loved today as when it was originally introduced in 2000. Its simplicity and form has made it a timeless classic. As a Christmas gift, wedding gift or self-purchase, the Willow Tree Nativity continues on as a family tradition. A gift of Willow Tree® communicates beyond words.

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Like New 2 Pc Nativity Mary and Joseph, Like New 3 Pc Nativity Wise Men NIB, Like New 4 Pc Nativity Shepherd Stable Animals Nativity, Like New 6 Pc Nativity Set NIB, Brand New Nativity 6 Pc, Brand New Three Wise Men 3 Pc, Brand New Shepherd and Stable Animals 4 Pc, Brand New Ox and Goat 2 Pc, Brand New Zampognaro w/ Bagpipe 1 Pc, Brand New Creche Stable w/ Star


New, Used