
Vintage Rival Corningware Slow Cooker Crock Pot Stoneware Warmers




Clean, tested and working vintage Rival and Corningware Slow Cooker Crock Pot.   All have been tested and cleaned.   Select an option to view details.  These older versions work so much better than the new ones.

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Rival Crock Pot 3100 Tan Large Brown Design Bread Tin Book, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Tan Large Brown Design, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Blue Delft, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Avocado Green, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Red, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Red Mark on Side, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Almond/Brown Hatch Pattern, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Almond/Brown Hatch Pattern Brand New in Box, Rival Crock Pot 3100 Red w/ Original Box, Rival 3100 Crock Pot Insulated Carrying Bag., Rival Crock Pot 3350 Red 5 Qt Removable Server, Rival Crock Pot 3350 Tan 5 Qt Removable Server, Rival Slow Cooker 3745 Grape Ivy, Rival Slow Cooker 3755 Herbs, Corningware Slow Cooker Ivy White Knob, Corningware Slow Cooker Ivy Black Knob, Sears Crockery Cooker, Rockline Slow Cooker, KMart Crockery Kettle Red